Monday, June 7, 2010

My Name is Sarah... and I'm a Stalker

So, awhile ago I posted on how I had all of these 'friends' on Facebook that I didn't really know and how guilty I felt about 'stalking' these people, so I deleted them. Well, I'm happy to say that I'm doing very well on FaceBook... 'cause I've moved on to being a Blogger stalker. I do it so much that I feel like I know these people personally! It started with taking a peek at an old classmate's blog, then her little brother's and so on. I love reading about the daily lives of perfect strangers lol. So many ladies post such good ideas on all sorts of things, from dinner ideas and cleaning tips, to birthday gifts and babies. And the most important of all... CRAFT ideas! So anyway, I just wanted to say that I'm gulity :) There... I feel better!

1 comment:

  1. LMAO I love this, seriously, I'm the same way except I don't always comment. But I see it this way, there is a "Comment" box for a reason. So what, if you were int he same room talking about the same topic you are expected to NOT say something and contribute? hahaha
